Flying Ruby Events’ 2022 Year In Review
20 December 2022

From helicopters to shaved heads, pythons to rubber ducks, this year has been like no other… and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
There’s no question that 2022 has been quite the year for Flying Ruby Events. Shall we count the ways? Okay, let’s… We welcomed more than 15,000 guests to over 20 events, where 5,133 glasses of champagne and 6,844 canapes were served. We’ve helped raise more than $3.4 million, travelled with an upside-down house for 1,700kms along the east coast, organised over 200 floral arrangements, and been up close and personal with four pythons, one crocodile and 1,000 yellow rubber ducks. We’ve also witnessed 25 top execs receive awards, one standing ovation (shout-out to Christine Holgate), and seen our lives flash before our eyes as we zoomed above Sydney in a Black Ops military-style Helicopter WITHOUT DOORS. If there is one thing we know for sure, it’s that the events industry is not for the faint-hearted.
Would we have it any other way? Definitely not. We love the runsheets, the proposals, the surprises and even those behind-the scenes disasters that guests will never see. And that’s part of the magic we love to create. Not only is it exciting and rewarding when things go right, it’s also challenging and thrilling when things don’t go according to plan. The events industry is one big crazy rollercoaster ride… and, c’mon, who doesn’t love a rollercoaster?!
To celebrate all the amazing things that happened this year, the team at Flying Ruby take a look back at the last 12 months – at our most memorable moments and events – before we look ahead to 2023. Thank you to everyone who made this year so special. We look forward to making more magic with you soon.
Our Top Events of The Year
Choosing a favourite event is like trying to choose a favourite child: easy. We’re kidding, of course. It’s actually an incredibly difficult task. We worked on a huge range of different events, all of which were fabulous in their own, unique way. We loved collaborating with The CEO Magazine on its Executive of the Year Awards, yet again, now in its 11th year. In 2022, we had the pleasure of organising two Awards nights to make up for lost time thanks to COVID. And what remarkable events they were!
We also welcomed 6,000 guests to the Pampelle Melbourne event early in the year; 6,107 guests to the upside-down Honey House in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne; and 832 guests to the Diamond Ball at the International Convention Centre. And our hearts were full after we organised not one, but two Dare To Cure events – in Sydney and, for the first time, Melbourne, which helped raise $3.4 million towards a cure for childhood cancer.
“You know, the Sydney Dare To Cure event excites me so much each year,” explains Kelly Lewis, Founder and Managing Director of Flying Ruby Events. “It’s growing so quickly, and the event keeps exceeding the fundraising goals which is so amazing to be a part of. It’s also staged in the best outdoor location with a view of Sydney Harbour, and I love watching our participants achieve their dare and support each other. After nine years of supporting the Children’s Cancer Institute, I still tear up every time a fundraising goal is exceeded. It is such an incredible charity, and we love being a part of these small steps towards one day ensuring the words ‘children’ and ‘cancer’ are no longer used in a sentence together.”
Georgia Bathie, Events Coordinator, would have to agree: “Dare to Cure Sydney was definitely one of my favourite events to work on. It was just so different from any other event I’ve ever done, and knowing we’re supporting a wonderful charity that dedicates its time to funding research to help cure childhood cancer makes it all the more special.”
Taleah Pharo, Events Manager, also loved the inaugural Melbourne Dare To Cure event: “It was great to see this event evolve and take on Melbourne for the first time. It’s such a great cause and it’s always amazing seeing people take on a challenge. The people at the Children’s Cancer Institute are so passionate about what they do and it’s always so rewarding to be a part of this extraordinary event.”
She loved Pampelle too, one of the first events of the year. “It was my first festival-style event, and such a great experience. Beautiful weather, a great client, a completely different vibe to any festival I’ve been to. I learned a lot and I loved working on it.”
The upside-down Honey Insurance event was also a highlight of the year for some of the team. “This one has to be one of the top three events of 2022,” explains Taleah. “I think the reason is because it reignited the love for consumer activation and stunts. I love seeing people’s reaction to stunts and the joy and excitement it brings. I think it was also one of the first activations after COVID and after so many cancellations and postponements it was great to see the team come together and do what we love.”
Kelly also loved the Honey Insurance event because, “We thrive on working through the logistical challenges of building the activation in each state,” she admits. “We had a great client and a fun team to work with and the deadlines were tight and challenging which feels so much sweeter when they are met.”
And last, but certainly not least, at the smaller end of the scale, Kelly loved working with new client, Bloom Providore on a dinner with a difference. “We loved this smaller scale event, which allowed us to focus on the intricate details. We also loved the product and the team we got to work with.”
Our Favourite Team Activity Of The Year
Team activities are just as important as the events we work on at Flying Ruby Events. They’re the perfect way to let off a little steam and decompress after a big event, and they’re also great for bonding and having a little fun. In the past we’ve done everything from swim with sharks and a cooking class (the jury’s out on what was scarier) – but which activity came out on top this year?
For Kelly it has to be the Black Ops helicopter experience. Experiencing the initial fear and then the exhilaration at the end reminds us life is for living, and challenges are keeping us out of our comfort zone. That feeling is addictive for me.”
Lucy Hardaker, Events Coordinator, would have to agree: “I had never been in a helicopter before and it was such a unique experience – something I might not have done if Kelly hadn’t organised it. It was just the best because I had no idea what I was getting into. I was super-excited and terrified in equal measures, but it was so good!”
It was the same answer from Georgia, who said; “My favourite group activity would have to be the Black Ops helicopter experience, where we rode over Sydney Harbour in a helicopter WITHOUT DOORS. It is one of the best things I have ever done, it was so exhilarating and fun to experience with the Flying Ruby girls. A highlight would have to be Taleah holding on for dear life in the back seat.”
As for Taleah, the answer was a little different… “We have had some great group activities organised by Kelly, but by far, the V8 experience, where we got to ride around a race track at 200km is my favourite experience. I’m a secret rev-head at heart.”
Memorable Moments & Milestones Of The Year
“In April, FRUBY turned 12 years old,” says Kelly. “I feel proud of the company I have created and the amazing team I get to work with every day. I started this company to work with amazing clients who share our vision and invite us into their company as an extension of their team. I aim to create long-term relationships with our clients and can honestly say we have absolutely achieved that in the past 12 years.”
“There are a lot of memorable moments from 2022, but one that stands out for me was at the Diamond Ball,” says Lucy. “I was standing behind the main ballroom doors waiting for the cue to tell staff to finally open the doors to our 800 guests. The anticipation was rising and when we did open them, the gasps from guests as they saw the room in all its glory was amazing. Their faces lit up and they whipped out their phones and started filming everything. They couldn’t get over the flowers, tablescapes and stage – I felt so proud to be a part of that. The feeling was priceless and makes all of our hard work so worthwhile.”
“One of the top moments for me didn’t happen to me personally, but really made me appreciate and recognise how privileged I am to be a part of the team I work with,” says Georgia. “After the Executive of the Year Awards, there were a few people who congratulated Kelly on the event and they were astonished at how Flying Ruby could produce something of this magnitude each year to such a high standard. This feedback really made me thankful to be working with the girls I work with because I know, together, we can achieve great things…”
“I think a team ‘top moment’ would be us coming together onsite at events like Honey House, with the different challenges that came our way, and still getting the job done,” says Taleah. “I love being on site with the team – it’s truly the best part of the job.”
The Sentence To Sum Up The Year
Kelly: “Owning a business in 2022 was like being on a rollercoaster which you couldn’t get off. The peaks and troughs were extreme, but we made it and it makes you stronger as a team to go through these moments in business.”
Taleah: “It was a race to the finish line in the best way possible.”
Lucy: “This year was about collaboration, challenges and commitment, but so incredibly rewarding at the same time.”
Georgia: “2022 has been a year full of excitement, challenges, and achievements, and I cannot wait to continue to learn and grow in 2023.”
What We’re Looking Forward To In 2023…
There is so much to look forward to next year that, after a much-needed break, we can’t wait to get stuck into all the excited events we have planned for 2023. “I’m so excited to continue working with the Flying Ruby team to bring bigger and better events to life,” says Taleah. “Although the ANZAC Day event didn’t happen again, we are in the midst of planning it for 2023, and I am so excited to see this event come to life after three cancelled events due to COVID. It also holds a special place in my heart as it was the first event I was ever part of at Flying Ruby. There is nothing quite like an ANZAC Dawn Service – the mood is sombre and silent yet there is over 10,000 people in the one space. It’s just amazing to witness.”
Lucy is on the same page, saying, “I’m so excited about 2023. Not only will we continue to work with those clients that have been with Flying Ruby for over a decade, but we’re also gaining new clients all the time, which brings its own set of challenges and rewards. Companies are ready to start holding events again and I really can’t wait to see what we do next.”
One such new event is with a current client, but a new part of their business… “I’m really excited to launch The CEO Magazine Foundation’s first event in the Blue Mountains with James Castrission in March 2023,”says Kelly.
And Georgia is “extremely excited to be taking on more responsibility in my role. I can’t wait to work another year at Flying Ruby and see what the next 12 months has to offer.”
We’d all have to agree. See you in 2023! Speaking of… if you’d like us to work on your next event, contact us HERE.